Title: New Frontiers of Environmental Biotechnological Application

EDITED BY: Prof. S. C. Santra

ENVIS Centre on Environmental Biotechnology

(Supported by Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India)

KeyWords: Environmental Biotechnological Application

Year of Publication: 2007

Language: English

Pages: 209


Environmental biotechnology is the application of all components of biotechnology to solve environmental problems. The prime target of this science is the abatement of pollution through bioremedation/ biotreatment or supporting as resources for human use in non-polluting ways. It can also help in cleaner production of existing products. On the whole it encompasses aspects of natural resources management, the treatment of waste and control of pollution. Thus the major areas of understanding are environmental pollution abatement through biodegradation, biotranformation, bioaccumulation of toxicity like organics, metals, oil & hydrocarbons, dyes, detergents etc., Energy management through production nonconventional nonpolluting energy like biodeasel methanol, biogass, biohydrogen etc., Agricultural application of biofertilizer, biopesticides, or bioorganics of multiple users, Recovery of resources from toxic or nontoxic wastes through biotechnological approach, Biosensor approach of pollution monitoring and several other allied issues.

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